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A simple ‘Self-Care Recipe’

Today I‘m feeling much more positive about being in lockdown, largely because my day’s had a bit more routine...I’ve exercised, done some work and I’m about to practice yoga before tea. Here’s my own ‘Recipe to Self Care’ - what’s yours? • An ounce of fresh air - did my HIIT session in the garden + daily walk after tea

• A sprig or two of support - from my Mums need Mums WhatsApp group, talking all things swaddling & feeding today

• Sprinkle of kindness - ordered a little pressie to say thank you to someone special

• Spoonful of creativity - working on lots of ideas for Tessa Clemson Yoga

• Dollop of self love - yoga + bath

• Cuddles with my baby (added this on myself 🥰)

What‘s your recipe??

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